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I live in a tiny, ancient cottage close to woodland, near Newbury, Berkshire, and I work part-time in a specialist autism school which every day delights and surprises me in equal measure. 


I decided to become an author at about age 7 when I discovered Narnia (sadly not in the back of a wardrobe but on a bookshelf in the school library). Always a daydreamer, Narnia became my secret haven. C S Lewis led me to Kenneth Graham and then Enid Blyton, until a teenage diet of Errol Flynn movies and Jean Plaidy novels gave way to the literary greats: Thomas Hardy and Charles Dickens, and there was no looking back.

My first published novel, Fair Game came about by accident; I was writing a book which involved flash-backs to the seventeenth century, which I sent to a literary consultancy for help with editing. They loved the historical element of the story and suggested it could hold its own as a novel in its own right, so I set about a new draft.... and now I have two historical novels under my belt and have started a third. My second book, 'A Feminine Crime', based in the decadent court of King James should be available soon.

For more about me, check my blog and news pages.

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